✨ A whole new approach… ✨
In December, I started something that, at the time, I thought was going to be lighthearted, fun, and easy. 🙂 To my delight, it was all of that and so much more!
Every day in December, I decided to step outside my comfort zone and try something different. I took 31 opportunities to stretch into the unfamiliar in both big and small ways and write about it on SM. It seemed simple and fun.
The results were stunning to me, not because of anything tangible or any external evidence, but because of an awareness, a shift, and a willingness to step outside of the safe and familiar. During the month of January, the curiosity has continued to stir, and I’ve challenged myself in deeper ways. What was born inside of me was a level of courage and intentionality that I fell in love with.❤️ Though we’ve closed the month of December and 2023, I’m just getting started…
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
~Marianne Williamson
Every year about this time, I create some space for stillness, quiet, and reflection. If a year’s worth living, it’s worth reflection and planning. As I celebrate the end of one year, I set the ball in motion and focus on what’s next, the things I want to do, and everything I want to accomplish. It’s one of my favorite practices.
There’s a part of me I refer to as “The Accomplisher”👩💻- the part that has endless drive and focus, that’s been able to achieve a lot and gets stuff done. Many of you have witnessed that part of me, and though I appreciate The Accomplisher so much, I’m thinking of giving her the year off…
The Accomplisher has a drive that is non-stop, works ridiculously hard, has strong ideas, and a clear plan of execution. She gives me purpose, esteem, and probably even a sense of personal worth. There’s a strength about her that I respect and appreciate. I’m grateful that part exists, and yet, I wonder what might happen if she wasn’t in charge of everything.
So, coming off the heels of my recent experiment, I’ve decided to try something different this year. I’m choosing a new theme and approach, one of curiosity and intentionality.
I’m letting The Accomplisher rest to make room for ease, effortlessness, and enjoyment. I’m staying open to intuition and impulse to see where I’m meant to go, what needs my attention, and what might transpire. Instead of working so hard, always driving forward, and trying to figure out what’s next, I’m going to step outside of the box once again and allow life to unfold with a little more ease. Flow vs force…
Though there’s a time and place for effort, accomplishing, and drive, this isn’t my season for that. Instead, my themes for 2024 will be ease, enjoyment, and effortlessness, sprinkled with curiosity and intentionality. I want adventure, exploration, and connection. I want to meet people, try things, and go places. I want to stretch even deeper into what life has to offer. 🧘♀️
I want to write often in authentic, genuine ways and share them with you via social media and email. My goal is to offer these maybe once or twice a month. (See, there’s The Accomplisher again)
You’ve read about my December follies, and I’ve loved hearing about yours too! You’ve heard about my “Turn Right Here Adventures” and the divine experiences that have unfolded from those. There’s magic🪄 in these practices if you allow them to come. It’s a deep intuitive connection with something bigger than yourself. I’m thrilled to see what life is going to serve up this year!
How about you?
- What is stirring inside of you for the upcoming year?
- If fear couldn’t get in the way, what would you try?
- What theme or practice do you want to explore or experiment with this year?
- Is this a season of effort or ease for you?
- If you opened yourself up to the possibilities, what might happen?
- Is there a word, theme, or mantra you want to commit to?
- Do you have an Accomplisher, a Manager, or a Critic who calls the shots?
- Do you need to give that part of you a little time off to see what other part wants to handle things?
- What’s one actionable step you’re ready to take?
- How can I support you in your process?