Every single thing you do is an attempt to meet a core need inside of you.
Every decision you make…
Every conversation you have…
Everything you say “yes” to…
Everything you say “no” to…
Somewhere in there is a need.
The issue?
We’re not taught to understand or recognize needs 🎒🍎📍
Your need for love and respect…
Your need to matter and for attention…
Your need to understand and to be understood…
Your need to be included and have input into decisions…
Your need to be heard and seen…
These show up differently for everyone, but we all have these core needs.
We’re constantly doing things, saying stuff, buying things, drinking, and smoking stuff to try to calm and “take care” of ourselves, but none of it really works.
Because you don’t know the needs that are driving you 🚙🛻🏎️
It’s like going to the fridge and not knowing what you’re hungry for. 🍉🥪🌭🧁
You nibble and chomp without feeling nourished or satisfied.
Let me teach you what you’re really “hungry” for. 😋
There’s more 🎁💝
Your feelings are cues and indicators… not problems‼️
Your feelings are directly linked to your needs. 🥹🥰😭😤
Hard feelings are simply cues that a core need is not being met.
I’ll help you explore these feelings and needs to put you in charge of your life, your emotions, and your behaviors.
Think you’re communicating effectively?!?
You’ll learn 10 ways we derail communication and stir up conflict, often unknowingly.
You’ll understand how you’ve been working against yourself with sabotaging behaviors.
Then, you’ll learn the formula—three simple steps to being completely empowered to understand, connect, and communicate.
Let me help you transform the way you navigate your life❣️
One tool… 🧰
Two hours… 🕑
Three simple steps…. 3️⃣
to completely transform the way you communicate, behave, make decisions, and understand yourself and others.
That’s my commitment to you 🙏🏻
The Art of Effective Communication live and in-person‼️
This event was held Tuesday, October 1, 2024.