Recently, I noticed I was feeling irritated, annoyed, and put out.
An old pattern was creeping in, and I recognized some things I was over-tolerating in a particular situation.
Something needed my attention.
It was time to have a hard conversation, and I was not looking forward to it. 😩
When I addressed the situation with this person, I shared my perspective, set a clear boundary, and explained how I would respond if it happened again.
Shortly after, it happened again. 😖
I was at that dreaded juncture of taking action or continuing to overlook and deny what was happening.
I knew if I didn’t follow through, I would be co-signing with this behavior and these feelings of hurt and anger.
If I didn’t follow through, I’d be accepting unacceptable behavior.
If I didn’t follow through, I had simply made a threat, not set a boundary.
It was time to take action.
I knew what to do.
Say what I mean. Mean what I say. And don’t say it mean.
So I did.
The result was not fun.
To my face, she smiled and said, “That’s fine.”
I knew it was anything but fine.
Behind my back, she spoke publicly about me, told people I was unkind and treated her meanly, and referred to me as a bitch.
A social media smear campaign soon followed.
There was collateral damage, with others questioning me and my motives.
I heard phrases like:
“You know how she can be; maybe you should just overlook it.”
“You shouldn’t ruffle her feathers.”
“She’s been going through a lot lately; maybe she misunderstood what you were saying.”
Interesting responses… 💔
I wish I could say this didn’t hurt, that I’ve grown to the point where other people’s opinions and comments don’t bother me.
I wish I could say I didn’t give it a second thought, but that would not be true.
It occupied a lot of space in my mind. 🤔🤯
I replayed the conversations.
I wanted to defend and re-explain myself.
I wanted to retaliate.
I did none of these things, and I said nothing.
Instead, I sat with the emotions. I allowed myself to cry.
I dug deep into my personal truth and realized how much I personalized this.
I checked my facts and faced the reality of setting limits.
✅ Fact… setting boundaries can really hurt and make you the bad person in some people’s eyes. Some people get angry and classify you as a bitch, selfish, or mean.
✅ Fact… setting boundaries sometimes has a ripple effect you weren’t prepared for.
✅ Fact… setting boundaries can lead to people jumping to conclusions and making assumptions when they don’t know the whole story.
✅ Fact… setting boundaries sometimes forces you to stand alone.
✅ Fact… setting boundaries requires hefty tools such as Self-Anchoring, Self-Honoring, and Self-Responsibility to act in your best interest.
✅ ✅ Fact… setting boundaries can reveal some hard truths about the health and quality of the relationships you have.
Facing the facts can be hard. Acceptance is a double-edged sword.
Instead of old behavior, I played with the word BITCH.
I wrote out the letters.
Sure, I can be a bitch at times. 🤬🧙🏻♀️
I was not in this situation, but I can be, so why not embrace it⁉️
I played with each letter, and soon enough, a new clarity emerged.
☁️ 🌤️☀️
Here’s what I came up with:
B old
I ntuitive
T eachable
C ourageous
H onest
My perspective shifted.
I reframed the word into something that really does fit me.
Ok… yeah… I am a BITCH‼️
I’m a Bold, Inutile, Teachable, Courageous, Honest woman who took action, spoke up, and acted in her best interest, even when it was hard. (Self-Honoring at its finest 😁 🏆🥇)
Now it’s your turn‼️
What needs attention in your life?
Are there some hard decisions or necessary conversations you need to have?
Are there issues you’re avoiding or not following through with?
Have you given way too much power to someone else’s opinion or feedback?
Is there something you can reframe and claim for yourself?
The S.O.S. (Sense of Self) Tools in “Misunderstood” are designed to help you in situations like these.
Tools like Self-Define, Self-Honor, and Self-Responsibility are just a few I used in this situation.
These were designed to help you stand in your truth, act in your best interest, make hard decisions, and have the necessary conversations.
I won’t promise you it will be easy, but I do promise they work if you work them‼️ 😁 ♥️