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Welcome to Misunderstood

Sometimes, the hardest part is just showing up, letting go of the hustle and simply stepping into what’s best for you. So, congratulations for doing just that; for showing up in a big way with your commitment to this process.

Perhaps you’re over-worked, over-whelmed, and over-functioning. In spite of all your efforts, there’s constant pressure in life and a tragic sense of never being or doing enough. You’ve spent most of your time focusing on everyone else while letting yourself come last. It is here that we take a look at all of that and put an end to it all.

Though change can be scary, you’ve have reached that point where staying the same is no longer an option. You’re ready to get out of the rut, eliminate the excuses, and stop the B.S. By committing to this process, you can step out of those patterns and step into something new. This journey helps awaken you to your best self and I congratulate you for that decision.

“Misunderstood – Rewriting The Rules of Dignity and Self-Respect” is not for the faint of heart. This is for you, the one who is brave enough to journey within, to be honest with yourself, and rewrite your personal terms and conditions for relationships. You’re in for a deep dive of exploration, authenticity, honesty, and readiness that helps you call attention to your life and the create necessary changes.

This course will help you tackle life-long patterns that have led to exhaustion, depletion, and despair. You have the opportunity to break free from fear, pleasing, perfectionism, and insecurity. We will look at the struggles you’ve faced and the impact of self-neglect, longstanding habits, childhood training, and limiting beliefs and behaviors. You are encouraged to pay attention to yourself and begin living intentionally. This journey was designed to challenge and inspire you as you gain clarity about what you really want out of life.

This work is exciting and energizing, yet equally challenging and even a little scary, yet has proven to be highly effective in helping increase self-awareness, aligning you with your deepest life purpose, and claim full personal responsibility.

I’m really glad you’re here and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for you!

Welcome! Now let’s begin….

Allyson states, “There was a time when I was losing my grip and the ground beneath me seemed to be crumbling. My head felt like someone had stuck it into a blender and my heart pounded with formidable betrayal. At the time, I wished I had a life manual to guide, direct, and inspire me. Through my own life experiences and wisdom learned, I was now able to write the life manual for others in this book, Misunderstood.”

How This Course Works

This course is designed for you to stay in order for each lesson as it is provided. However, if at any time you need to skip to another page, use the submenu at the top of each page to skip ahead or come back to a lesson. If you need to move back or forward one page, use the blue buttons at the bottom of each page.

Throughout this course, you will be able to answer self-discovery questions by typing your answers on each page of this website inside this course. Once you submit your answers they will be emailed to you to reference and use as needed.

You can also:

  1. CLICK HERE to print off the entire PDF of this course.
  2. CLICK HERE to purchase the printed spiral bound of this course.
  3. At the bottom of each page inside this course, you will have an option to print the single lesson, allowing you to print only the lessons you want.