Interviews by Publisher
Transform Publishing
Transform Publishing
Note From The Publisher
As a Publisher, I regularly receive hundreds of manuscripts; therefore, I cannot possibly accommodate them all. When I saw this book, Misunderstood, laying amidst the pile, the title captivated my attention. As a person who has a need to be heard and understood, I knew this book would be a masterpiece. The more I read of the manuscript, the more my eyes were opened to the overall profound and invigorating content.
In this book, Allyson reveals her vulnerability surrounding the ways in which she was misunderstood, and how she misunderstood others. Moreover, she gives readers the S.O.S. Toolbox with ten power[ful] tools that are easy to understand and implement.
Allyson states, “There was a time when I was losing my grip and the ground beneath me seemed to be crumbling. My head felt like someone had stuck it into a blender and my heart pounded with formidable betrayal. At the time, I wished I had a life manual to guide, direct, and inspire me. Through my own life experiences and wisdom learned, I was now able to write the life manual for others in this book, Misunderstood.”
As more people are stepping up to become Authors, the more self-help books flood the market.
Many self-help books include, or lead to, some sort of model to follow. I must say, we see models (all the time) that are not effective. Many are out of sequence; meaning, you truly should complete later steps first, and first steps later. We also witness models that simply lack steps that must be taken to make the entire model effective. So, when Allyson’s model showed up on my desk, it was a breath of fresh air.
Finally, someone with enough knowledge and wisdom to not fake it, until she makes it.
Finally, someone who spent the time needed (over twenty-five years, in fact) to create a life manual that leads to understanding and healthy relationships maintained by boundaries. Finally, someone who not only lives her model but tested it time and again to prove it is life-changing.
As I read through this book, I could not help but live out each step in each chapter. That’s right, me, the Publisher, has already applied Allyson’s teachings. Let me warn you, they work!
Throughout this book, Allyson uses great examples and visuals to drive her points home.
I especially love her story about how she “lost her shit over a banana.” Throughout this book, Allyson is transparent, allowing her readers to truly connect with her through circumstances. She truly is raw, real, and relatable to all who take time to learn from her.
So, if you face challenges in life, have a difficult time being misunderstood, are consistently overlooked and walked on, and are unclear about how to live your best life now, this book, Misunderstood, is your #1 guide currently on the market.
Lastly, I want to personally say, “Thank You” to Allyson Blythe for opening her heart to her readers.
She has shared personal details, that most would be uncomfortable doing. It takes a lot of courage to create what she has created; and in the name of love, she has proven she truly cares about others. Anyone who reads this book, completes the exercises, and applies the wisdom, will no longer be Misunderstood. Here at Transform Publishing, we look forward to assisting Allyson with all her future books.
Elena Rahrig
Founding CEO of Transform Publishing
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Misunderstood: Rewriting The Rules of Dignity & Self-Respect
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