I have two jump ropes in my workout space.
I’ve had them for years but every time I see them I think “I can’t do that.”
It was a conclusion I drew somewhere along the way and told myself repeatedly.
Suddenly, I’ve realized that doesn’t have to be true.

I picked up the rope a few months ago and gave it a few whirls, only managing about 5 jumps the first time. That inner critic whispered “See, I knew you couldn’t do it.” 😈😤😖

The next day I picked it up again and managed about the same number.

The next day I did it again and managed a few more.
Day after day, attempt after attempt, I am now able to achieve over 100 jumps in a single round.

But not every day.

Some days I can only manage 10 or 20.

Nonetheless, I persist.
Silly, meaningless perhaps, but a personal success nonetheless.👍

How often do you tell yourself you can’t do something?

How often do you rehearse a story in your mind about what’s possible?


How well are these stories serving you?


Are you ready to update to your story?

On Saturday, January 11th, 34 of us gathered for The 8th Annual Vision Board Workshop.✨⚡🪄 It’s one of my favorite offerings and I love the community and creativity that comes from it.

Since then, I’ve had a whole of thoughts and conversations about the nuances of how to practice manifestation effectively.

The two experiences, jumping rope and manifestation, have gotten me thinking…🤔
What in the world do these two have in common?!?
Absolutely EVERYTHING!!

Here are a few things I’ve learned from these two experiences:

1. Begin where you are.

2. It never hurts to try. The only failure is the failure to try.
3. Do a little everyday. Little efforts add up to big changes. Even small progress is progress. This is called Stacking.
4. Not every day looks or feels the same. Stay the course!
5. There’s not one way to do things. Find what works for you.

6. What you believe and tell yourself will impact your results. Henry Ford nailed it when he said “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t either way you are right.”
7. Competition and comparison have no place here. You’re only competing with yourself.🥇
8. When you struggle, simply begin again. You can’t lose.
9. Relax! There’s no hurry. You don’t have to try so hard all the time. Trust yourself and the process. 🧘‍♀️😌

10. Have fun! Enjoy and celebrate small wins‼️🥳🙃

There is no better time than right now!
Manifestation is science, a Universal Law.
I will help you clarify and strengthen what you most want in this world.

It can be teeny-tiny like jumping rope, or a huge goal or dream. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE 🙌

You don’t have to struggle and you don’t have to do it alone! If you’re looking for a community of folks to gather, learn, connect, and grow with, I have just the opportunity for you!

Next Level is an 8 week in-person Coaching course where we will address the following:

* Clarity and Consistency
* Specific Manifestation Practices
* Force vs Flow
* Core Beliefs and Patterns

* Masculine vs Feminine Energy

We will connect and learn while creating a healthy foundation for the life you really want.

Group is, by far, the most powerful format for creating change.
You are as healthy as the top 5 people you spend the most time with.

Come join a community of people who are ready to make this happen!

Questions? Be in touch so I can support you.

In the meantime, pick something small that you’ve told yourself you can’t do, can’t have, or aren’t good at and give it a try. Maybe you’ll be right, but maybe, just maybe… you will learn something new and have a whole lot of fun🥳🤩🤗🎉

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