How It Works
On the following page you will be introduced to The Top 10 Things Not To Do when it comes to the art of effective communication. You will see them written in a list and then their behavioral descriptors. Also, you will have the opportunity to print this entire course as a PDF to use as you see fit. Once you finish reading over all 10 behaviors, you can click the Next button at the bottom right corner of the page to be directed to Part 2 of The Top 10 Things Not To Do. There you will be given a set of questions for each behavior and will mark only that which applies to you by scrolling between 0 and 10, with 10 meaning it is 100% you down to 0 meaning it is not at all you. When something does not apply to you, feel free to skip it entirely. Even more, there will be a comment section under each section for you to leave a comment to Allyson or ask her a question… whatever you need!
After you complete each of the 10 lessons, you will receive an email with your answers. This is for you to clearly see what areas are problematic in your communication style. Please understand, there may be a short delay in email delivery (typically five to ten minutes). This is due to general propagation.
You can move back and forth as many times as you need to for each lesson of this course by using the buttons at the bottom of each page. To skip around completely, use the submenu at the top of each page.
Once you complete this course and identify the areas that are causing problems in your life, it is highly recommended for you to contact Allyson at to receive the assistance you need for personal development so you can begin living your best life now!