The Art of Effective Communication

Are you struggling to communicate with others?
Do you find yourself in the same conflict over & over again?
Do you get in your own way and often feel confused about what you want?

Just imagine self-awareness that allows you to understand and honor your true needs, relationships that are centered on compassion, understanding, and respect, and a world strengthened by inspiring communication and connection…

blue flower

It is possible!

Many years ago, I was trained in the work of Marshal Rosenberg, creator of Non-Violent Communication (NVC), and became fascinated with the ease and effectiveness of this tool. I’ve taken all of this training and combined it with my over 30 years of experience to create this informative and interactive program.

Your insight and skill level will change as you are equipped with a powerful, easy to grasp three-step tool that allows you to improve self-awareness, understand deeper needs, and finally communicate more effectively.

The Art of Effective Communication offers an alternative way of thinking, communicating, and relating to others.

It is a simple method, just three simple steps, of insight and awareness that ends patterns of sabotage, hostility, assumptions, defensiveness, and resistance.

Once you purchase this program, you will be able to log into the member’s area on the top menu and take the course inside this website.
There are a total of 9 videos.