Lesson 22: Self-Responsibility

Still waiting for the hero in your life to show up or the real adult to swoop in and take care of everything? Fairytales and romance novels aren’t very good resources for real life. Fortunately, or unfortunately, you are the real adult and the ultimate hero in this story and your happiness and well-being are totally up to you.

  • Assume full responsibility for your safety, happiness, and well-being
  • Determine your choices and decide according to your best interest
  • Handle conflict directly and respectfully
  • Let go of unhealthy people and situations
  • Rely on yourself as your highest resource
  • Learn to start again at any point in the day or in life
  • Prioritize your needs and best interest
  • Ask for help when needed
  • Be accountable for your part in things

Self-responsibility helps you face the fact that you are officially in charge of handling your life and making the decisions. It equips you with knowing your limits and what you’re contributing (both good and bad) to situations. It allows you to take charge and move into the driver’s seat of life to determine where you’re headed, how fast you’re going, and who you want along for the ride.

There you have it, your S.O.S. (Sense of Self) Toolbox. This is an essential set of skills to help you navigate the rest of your life. Whenever you are facing an issue, you are now fully equipped to use your own resources to decide the right course of action for you. It’s ok to be scared, nervous, and even uncertain. These tools will  help you steer yourself in the right direction and stay the course.

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