Lesson 19: Self-Permission

Fear, worry, and insecurity can create serious obstacles in life if you let them. Maybe you’ve learned to play small, not draw attention to yourself, or not rock the boat too much. Are you afraid to look silly or to make a mistake so you stay on the sidelines or never step out of your comfort zone at all? Are you driven by the fear of what others may think of you? Perhaps you worry too much about your image or the opinions of others, seeking their approval and acknowledgment so you pinch yourself off or fall prey to what you should be doing. You may have learned to stay safe so that you don’t have to face those uncomfortable feelings.

Self-permission is granting yourself a big fat yes to show up in life fully as yourself. It is eliminating the tendency to perfect, please, and perform for the sake of approval and acceptance while allowing yourself to be true to what you really want. Self-permission allows you to be in charge of what’s in your best interest and take care of your needs and desires. It’s getting out of your own way and shed fear and worry as you step into what you most to do, have, and be.

  • Show up fully as yourself
  • Grant yourself full permission to be who you really are and do what you most want to do
  • Let go of fear, excuses, and limitations as you step into your strengths and desires
  • Try new things. Be willing to make mistakes, laugh at yourself as you learn, and allow yourself the room to be new at something
  • Lessen your standards and expectations of perfection
  • Allow yourself to rest, play, be silly, be curious, and explore
  • Decide things for yourself rather than looking to the outside for approval and acceptance
  • Stay with something through the discomfort of learning and looking silly but also know when to redecide and do something different
  • Recognize what’s for you and what isn’t
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