Lesson 3: Rules of Engagement
Now is the time to assess and evaluate the ways you function in the world. Have you ever thought about how your family shaped you, the culture you were born into, your school or neighborhood experiences, and any religious exposure you had?
Early experiences and the things that were role modeled form your understanding of yourself, the world, and the ways you relate and behave. All that you were taught, told, and exposed to define your beliefs and perception. Naturally, you probably took that information as truth and fact. You learned about what’s expected of you and what gets you attention and approval. It is important to assess these messages to decide if they are the ways you want to continue to show up in life.
Let’s take a look at some of things that may have been demonstrated early in life to see what works and what doesn’t. Perhaps this is what you believe it means to be nice or thoughtful. These patterns may be very well established and ingrained. When it comes to relationships and the ways you connect and take care of others, which of these are familiar to you? What terms of engagement
have you been subscribing to?
How many of these apply to you? How well are they serving you? Are any of the terms and conditions helping you feel happy, satisfied, and fulfilled? Are any of them causing you to feel depleted, exhausted, or over-whelmed?
Let’s explore a few other patterns of how you may be relating in relationships
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