Mindful Matters – Commodities


Handouts from the Workshop

Time Log



Intro into Commodities

We’ve just completed another tax season when most people are focused on finances, deadlines, and dreaded details. It’s a season that forces people to look at what you’re spending and earning and how effective your financial strategies are. Whether you’re a planner, an avoider, or someone who dreads the process, this is a necessary obligation.

You know money doesn’t really buy happiness. As a Coach and Therapist with over 30 years in the industry, I’ve worked with people from all walks of life – wealthy folks, poverty-ridden citizens, and average people just trying to get by. A common thread most of us share is the constant search for happiness and a longing for success. Regardless of income level, I’ve noticed a theme over the years – how people spend is a defining component of how happy and content they are, and the surprising fact is that this has nothing to do with money. Hear me out on this one.

No one can deny that money can grant many pleasantries and opportunities, even a sense of security. However, it is not a determining factor in core life satisfaction and happiness.

So, what is? What are the commodities that add value and purpose to life?

There are three I’ve discovered that I encourage you to consider carefully.

Time Energy Effort

Time – 1,440 minutes in every single day. 43,800 minutes each month. 525,600 minutes every year. If I handed you that much money, you’d likely see the value of being granted such a gift. Yet Time, the most valuable commodity you’ve ever been granted and the one you can never get back once it’s spent… is typically wasted and devalued. How are you spending your minutes?

Energy – Energy includes the way you feel, the thoughts you entertain, and the space you allow something or someone to occupy. Where is your emotional and mental energy going? Are you over-investing in things that hold no value or significance? Do you worry or give thought to others’ opinions and feedback? Are you spending your mental and emotional energy wisely?

Effort – Effort is the length you’re going to for someone or something. Are you extending great effort for things that really don’t matter? Are you a constant doer who is driven by busyness and distraction? Do you over-extend and wind up feeling depleted or exhausted? Does your calendar and To-Do list offer a false sense of importance and personal value? Are your efforts offering valuable ROI?

Time, Energy, and Effort – the three greatest commodities you’ll ever be granted. Spend wisely, my friends!

Change begins with one decision at a time. Are you ready to make yourself a priority and commit to the life you deserve? The way you spending your Time, Energy, and Effort fundamentally changes the quality of your life. During this month’s Mindful Matters Workshop, you’ll take a deeper dive into your “spending habits”. You’ll learn about each commodity and asses where you’re spending your time, energy, and effort and focus on important “investment” strategies. You, and you alone, are responsible for how these valuable assets are being used in your life. It’s time to be intentional with how you’re spending these assets!

Mindful Matters is live via Zoom and will also be recorded. You can catch me in real time or access it later at your convenience. Once you purchase the class, you’ll have full access to review it at any point. Be sure to sign up and take advantage of these powerful Coaching opportunities designed to take you further faster!

If you don’t have your copy yet, check out my book “Misunderstood – Rewriting the Rules of Dignity and Self Respect” for a detailed layout of commodities and decision making. It will enhance your learning and experience with this month’s class.